KEYWORDSArticles on "For beginners"(7)
What is OpenRoaming? A simple explanation for first-time users
We will explain in an easy-to-understand way about OpenRoaming, which is becoming more common these days, for those who have never heard of it before and those who want to try using it.
What should I do if I don't receive an email at the address I entered when registering for free Wi-Fi? 7 things you should check
We will introduce the basic causes and countermeasures when you do not receive the registration email for free Wi-Fi.
Japan Wi-Fi auto-connect Automatically Connects You to Free Wi-Fi Across Japan
Japan's free Wi-Fi Have you ever found ...
Point Review! Let's properly understand the often misunderstood free Wi-Fi in times of disaster.
In order to use free Wi-Fi in times of disaster such as "00000JAPAN" with the correct knowledge, we will once again focus on key points.
Free Wi-Fi related services available in times of disaster
Don't panic if something happens - here are some useful Wi-Fi services you can use in an emergency.
Is "Japan Wi-Fi auto-connect" really safe? Comparison with the case when the application is not used
Is it safer to use the app or not? A comparison
What is 00000JAPAN (Five Zero Japan)? -Public wireless LAN service in case of disaster or communication failure
Learn about 00000japan that can be used in case of emergency, such as a disaster.