Wi-Fiコラム Wi-Fiをもっと楽しくするWEBマガジン

The English version of the Wi-Fi column is now ready to go! Wi-Fiコラムの英語版がスタートしました!


Wi-Fiコラムは英語版「Wi-Fi Column Staying connected in Japan」の配信を開始しました。

この記事を日本語で読む場合は こちらへジャンプ

Hello everyone, this is the Wi-Fi Column Editor.The Wi-Fi Column is now available in English! It is named "Wi-Fi Column Staying connected in Japan"!

We are pleased to announce that our Wi-Fi column has now been released in English version!

While maintaining the relaxed and easy-to-understand atmosphere of the Wi-Fi Column, we will now be providing useful information in English as well.

We have picked out articles that are especially good for people traveling to Japan or people who want to learn more about Japan. The atmosphere is like this.

The only Wi-Fi hanging in a hellhole

Please bookmark Wi-Fi Column Staying connected in Japan and check it out! If you use Japan Wi-Fi auto-connect, you will occasionally receive notifications of new articles.

The entire editorial team will continue to strive to provide you with easy-to-understand and enjoyable information. We would like to thank you for your past patronage. We look forward to your continued patronage. We support your Wi-Fi life in Japan!

Wi-Fi Column Staying connected in Japan

This article was translated from Japanese to English using AI.



ぜひWi-Fi Column Staying connected in Japan をブックマークに入れて、チェックしてみてください! Japan Wi-Fi auto-connectをご利用なら、時々ですが、新着記事が通知で届きますよ。



Wi-Fiコラム英語版 Wi-Fi Column Staying connected in Japan
