Application Privacy Policy

Article 1. Definitions

This Application Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “the Privacy Policy”) stipulates the handling of the User’s information in the smartphone application “Japan Wi-Fi auto-connect” (hereinafter referred to as “the Application”) provided by NTT Broadband Platform Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), or related services.
Personal information used by this application will be handled in accordance with the application's Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and our Personal Information Protection Policy, described in Article 8.
Terms of Use
Personal Information Protection Policy

Article 2. Items of information to be acquired, purposes of use, methods of acquisition

When the Application is used, the following items of User information will be gathered for the following purposes.

1. Users’ personal information
Users’ personal information will be gathered for the following purposes.
With regard to email addresses or SNS account information, the details entered by the User themselves are acquired.

  • For the management and operation of the Application.
  • For the use of public wireless LAN access services through Wi-Fi connections that support the Application.
  • To contact the User when the need arises.

2.User attributes, etc.
We will acquire, save, and use the following user information (hereafter "attributes") related to the use of this application for the purposes below.

Information we acquire, save, and use

  • We will acquire, save, and use information regarding the user's gender, age, area of use, and intended period of stay that is personally entered by the user.
  • We will acquire, save, and use OS language information, various usage settings such as OS type, device information, and the registration dates of user information.
  • The user's IP address and app operation log, information related to automatic authentication from the access point when connecting to Wi-Fi (including time, BSSID, and UUID), and traffic information such as data transmission volume and date will be automatically acquired, saved, and used via the application. The app operation log also includes the GPS location at the time of operation, location information based on the access point at the time of operation, operation details, and the ID, time, SSID, and BSSID, Contains connection information to a specific Beacon device, beacon detection information, and advertising identifiers (such as IDFA or Google Advertising ID).

Although this alone is not sufficient to identify the individual, we use the term "attributes" to refer to all information we manage with the same level of care as personal information. This company manages the attributes acquired through this application in the same way as personal information.

Purpose of use

  • To confirm the User’s own Service usage status, in order to properly respond to the User’s queries.
  • To investigate the number of Users of the Application.
  • To analyze the usage conditions so that the Application’s functions may be improved.
  • To analyze the usage conditions of the Application as statistical information, for use in local tourism and disaster prevention measures.
  • For the use and application of big data acquired via this application, as well as for online advertising, content distribution, service development, and marketing by our clients, we will provide attributes to third party data analysis companies.

The attributes this company acquires and analyzes or provides to third parties do not include personal information. This company also will not link attributes to any information that can be used to identify the user.

When our company provides attribute information to a third party, the user is not identified or identified at the recipient.

3.Users' positional information
Of the user attributes acquired according to Paragraph 2 of this article, information related to automatic authentication from the access point when connecting to Wi-Fi, including GPS location, SSID, and BSSID (this includes location based on the access point) (hereafter "location information") will be used for the purposes of this app's main features, including procedures for using "public wireless LAN access services" via Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi connection support, and providing Wi-Fi spot information via maps. In order to make the following features effective, only if the user permits it, location based on the Wi-Fi access point in particular will be acquired on a regular basis even when this application is being used in the background.

  • Automatically make an applicable Wi-Fi connection
  • Login to the Wi-Fi connection and use public wireless LAN access services
Even when we acquire location information in the background, it will not be recorded, acquired, or provided to third parties for purposes other than those outlined in Paragraph 2 of this article. After this company uses location information for the purposes outlined in Paragraph 2 of this article, we will promptly destroy the information. Location information provided to a third party according to Paragraph 1 of Article 5 will also be promptly destroyed by the third party after it has been used for the purposes established by the third party.

Article 3. Consent

Please ensure that you have confirmed and understood the details of the Privacy Policy before using the Application. The details of the Privacy Policy are posted in full on the official website of the Application, which is the public announcement of the same. When you install the Application, please be sure to confirm the details of the Privacy Policy. If you are unable to agree to the Privacy Policy, please uninstall the Application.

Article 4. External transmissions

1. Information acquired in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 is transmitted to a server in the Company and used to the extent of the purposes of use.

2. The "Inquiries" feature of this app uses the following external services.
Information obtained through an enquiry will only be used for the purposes of responding to the enquiry and improving the features of the app.

Operating company: Basic Inc.
Privacy Policy:
Acquisition items: Email address, device metadata (OS version, app version, product ID, etc.)
Provision to third parties: None

3. The application incorporates information collection modules from other companies in order to analyze usage for the purpose of function improvement and to measure the effectiveness of advertising placement for the purpose of paying advertising agencies for this service.

Operating company: Adjust GmbH
Privacy Policy | Adjust
Acquisition items: User ID, Device ID, Usage Data, Device Metadata(OS version, Adjust SDK and so on)
Purpose of use: Creation of statistical data for functional improvement in a form that does not identify individuals and measurement of the effectiveness of ad placement
Provision to third parties: None

4. This application incorporates information collection modules from other companies for online advertising and content distribution and marketing

Operating company: Unerry, Inc.
Privacy Policy
Items to be acquired: Terminal information such as ID, terminal model name, etc. given by the App to users, advertisement identifiers, location information of the terminal when using the App, beacon detection information, etc. As described in Article 5 (1)
Purpose of use: Online advertising and content distribution, measurement of its effects, marketing, etc.
Third party: unerry, Inc.

5. This application works with services from other companies to connect to OpenRoaming-compatible Wi-Fi hotspots.

Operator: BeMap Inc.
Privacy Policy:
Data acquired: ID given to user by this app
Purpose of use: Statistical information and operational tasks
Providing service compatible with the following roaming services
・Service compatible with OpenRoaming operated by Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA)
・Service compatible with roaming with cityroam
・Service compatible with roaming with eduroam
Third-party provider: BeMap Inc.

Article 5. Provision to third parties

1. For the use and application of big data acquired through this application, as well as for online advertising, content distribution, service development, and marketing by our clients, we may provide all or part of the attributes acquired according to Paragraph 2 of Article 2 to third parties such as data analysis companies.
Data Recipient: Unerry, Inc.
Purpose of use at the provider: Advertising and content distribution, measurement of its effects, use for statistical data, marketing, etc.
Handling of location data at the provider
Using BeaconBank
The App shall use the following services for the purpose of providing information distribution services based on location information, acquiring marketing information by monitoring usage, and improving services. The User shall accept the use and provision of information.
(1)The application uses Beacon Bank provided by Unerry Co., Ltd. to provide location-related services.
(2)The application provides the following information to Beacon Bank.
1.Smartphone terminal information (ID, terminal model name, terminal manufacturer, terminal OS version, terminal language and region settings that the application grants to users, etc.) 2.Advertising identifier (IDFA or Google Advertising ID, etc.)
3.Location of the terminal when using this application
4.Beacon detection information
5.IP address
6.Information related to the usage status of the application (This includes information on whether or not permission to use location information is granted, Bluetooth on/off status, date and time of reading/opening of push content, and the beacon that responded.)
7.Segment information excluding the personal information of application users determined to be necessary by the application provider
(3)Unerry Co., Ltd. may provide information obtained pursuant to this provision to application providers by electromagnetic means or in writing, provide application providers with information distribution services to application users, provide application providers with marketing services with statistical information on application usage, and provide information on the quality of services provided to Beacon Bank.
It is used for maintenance, improvement, and marketing. In addition, with regard to the information in (4) above, the information on the beacon shall be transmitted without identifying the individual or identifying the ID issued by the beacon.
Information on the beacon may be disclosed. Marketing in this issue refers to the distribution of online advertising and content using estimates based on human flow statistics and analysis, as well as analysis of behavioral history such as location information.
Measurement of the effectiveness and provision of mobile solutions are described in detail in the following linked pages.
The Company may provide
with the information specified on the left and related analytical information by electromagnetic means or in writing. Such data shall be provided for the purpose of distributing online advertising and content, measuring its effectiveness, providing mobile solutions and marketing.

2. This company may use all or part of the attributes acquired according to Paragraph 2 of Article 2 as statistical information to analyze. We will use the analysis results to improve the features of this application, and will also provide them to local business owners for use in regional tourism and disaster prevention policies.

3. The information we provide to third parties does not include users' personal information. When this company provides attributes to a third party such as a data analysis company, any information that could lead to the identification of the user will first be anonymized in a non-recoverable format. Therefore, the third parties we provide information to will not be able to identify or pinpoint the user.

4. To use this application, you must agree to the provision of data to third parties according to the previous two paragraphs. If you do not agree, please uninstall this application.

Article 6. Method of User Involvement

1. In this application, the email addresses, social media accounts, user's gender, age, area of use, and intended period of stay registered by the user, the user's IP address and operation log automatically acquired by the application, information related to automatic authentication from the Wi-Fi access point, and traffic information such as data transmission volume and transmission date will be automatically destroyed when the user either uninstalls the app or does not use the app for a certain period of time. If you would like for this information to be deleted, please either go to "Reset account" from the "Inquiries" page, or uninstall this application.

2. Procedures are stipulated below for requesting notification of the purposes of personal information use or the disclosure of records of personal information provided to third parties (hereafter "disclosure etc"), or the correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to third parties (hereafter "correction etc") of personal information according to methods not stipulated above (hereafter "requests for disclosure, correction etc").

(1) Where to submit requests for disclosure, correction, etc.
NTT Broadband Platform, Inc.
Information Desk
Urbannet Kanda Building, 3-6-2 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047
0120-261065 (10 am - 5 pm, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays)

(2) Procedures for disclosure, correction, etc.
a. Procedures for disclosure, etc.
When a customer has requested disclosure, etc., the Company will respond by the method of either provision of electromagnetic records, delivery of documents, or other method specified by the Company, as requested by the customer. However, when the Company has determined that disclosure by the method requested by the customer is difficult, the Company will inform the customer of said fact and the reason therefor, and will conduct disclosure by written documentation. In either case, a request for disclosure, etc. by the customer will be made through submission in writing in a format prescribed in advance by the Company.
When a request for disclosure, etc. has been made, the Company may not disclose requested information, in whole or in part, in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. In this case, the Company will provide notification of the fact of and the reasons for not performing disclosure, etc. In the case that the disclosure of personal information would infringe on the confidentiality of communications or would entail the risk of harm to the life, person, property, or other rights and interests of a person, the Company may not disclose the requested personal information, in whole or in part, to agents.
Customers who wish for disclosure, etc., are requested to contact the location for submission noted in (1). above. The Company will provide details of procedures.

b. Procedures for correction, etc.
When a customer has made a request for correction, etc., the Company will investigate the content of the request. In this case, a request for correction, etc. by the customer will be made through submission in writing in a format prescribed in advance by the Company.
If it is found through the investigation that the content of personal information is not true, if risk to the rights or legitimate interests of customers exists, or if the Company other deems handling of the personal information to be inappropriate, the Company will make corrections, etc.
When a request for correction, etc. has been made, the Company may not correct information, in whole or in part, in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. In this case, the Company will provide notification of the fact of and the reasons for not making corrections, etc.
Customers who wish for correction, etc., are requested to contact the location for submission noted in (1). above. The Company will provide details of procedures.

(3) Identity verification, etc.
When making requests for disclosure, correction, etc., documentation enabling confirmation of the identity of the individual to which the personal information pertains, or the agent of said individual, is required. Contact the location for submission noted in (1). above for details of necessary documentation.

(4) Fees, etc. related to requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information Fee: ¥440 (including ¥40 yen corresponding to consumption tax) for each request related to one contract (one customer ID, etc.)
Shipping: Cost of mailing via Japan Post registered mail
Billing method: The cost will be added to billing for the Company's usage fees. (For customers other than those contracting with the Company, payment will be made together with the request for disclosure.)
Contact the location for submission noted in (1). above for details of fee amounts, etc.

(5) Other
The content of this Personal Information Protection Policy notwithstanding, the Company will continue to handle verbal and email inquiries from customers at the Information Desk, etc.

Article 7. Service termination and handling of information

The use of the Application may be terminated by the User’s deletion (uninstalling) of the Application.

Article 8. Link to personal information protection policy

Please follow the link below to check the latest update of the Company’s personal information protection policy . In the event that the Company’s personal information protection policy differs from this Privacy Policy, this Privacy Policy shall have priority.

Personal Information Protection Policy

Article 9. Disclosure and provision of information

Our company does not provide or disclose information that personally identifies users (Personal Information) to third parties, except in cases falling under any of the following items.

  1. Cases where prior consent is obtained from users
  2. Cases where based on laws and regulations
  3. Cases where it is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the user
  4. Cases where provision is required based on the improvement of public health, requests from public authorities such as courts and police, or other laws and regulations
  5. Cases where it is necessary for a national organization, a local government, or an organization entrusted by a local government to cooperate in the execution of affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the user is likely to hinder the execution of said affairs
  6. Cases where all or part of the business including the handling of personal information is entrusted to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use
  7. Cases where personal information is provided in connection with the succession of business due to merger or other reasons

Article 10. Enquiries

Please use the "Send email inquiry" function in the application for questions or inquiries about the handling of user information within this application.

Article 11. Changes

The Privacy Policy may be revised.
In the event of important revisions, Users will be contacted again for their consent.
Supplementary Provisions
This document is originally written in Japanese. It may be translated into other languages for your convenience, but if there are differences between the original Japanese text and the translated text, Japanese will prevail.

Revised on January 25, 2021

Revised on February 5, 2021

Revised on January 31, 2022

Revised on April 7, 2022

Revised on May 11, 2022

Revised on August 30, 2022

Revised on June 29, 2023

Revised on March 6, 2024

Revised on February 27, 2025